Your Baby Teeth Primer: 5 Things Every Parent Should Know

baby teeth



If you’ve got an infant or toddler, you’re probably on high alert to spot and treat some of the more common afflictions of childhood — from coughs and colds to ear infections and more. You’ve been trained to arm yourself with the facts, practice basic healthy habits and be on constant lookout for potential problems. So why should you be any less vigilant about your child’s dental care?

With so much attention given to kid’s physical health, dental health often gets pushed to the sidelines. That’s too bad, since tooth decay is the single most common childhood disease. In fact, it occurs in more children than asthma and allergies! The good news is that tooth decay is completely preventable. Here’s what you need to know to help ensure your little one’s baby teeth are as well taken care of as the rest of her.

1. Just because baby teeth are temporary doesn’t mean they don’t matter.

Temporary doesn’t mean unimportant. In fact, your baby’s pearly whites help your child chew food easily and pronounce words properly. They also save space for permanent teeth. If a baby tooth is lost too early, the teeth beside it may drift into the empty space. There may not be enough room left when it’s time for the permanent teeth to come in. The result is crowded or crooked teeth.

2. Baby teeth arrive in a basic pattern, but there is plenty of room for variability. 


If you’re like most parents, you might be worried that if your child doesn’t have any baby teeth by nine months or a year, it means something is wrong. But when it comes to getting the first set of teeth, there is a wide normal range of variability. Although the average appearance of the first tooth is around six months of age, it could be much sooner or much later. 

The general pattern of eruption is that the two middle upper and lower teeth (central incisors) come in first. They are followed by the teeth next to them, the lateral incisors. The cuspids (or canines) follow, then the first and second molars. By the time your child is 3 years old, he or she will have a full set of 20 primary teeth. Here are the approximate ages when primary teeth make their appearance: 

  Upper Teeth Lower Teeth 

Central Incisors 8 – 12 months 6 – 10 months
Lateral Incisors 9-13 months 10 to 16 months
Cuspids (Canines) 16 – 22 months 17 to 23 months
First Molars 13 to 19 months 14 to 18 months
Second Molars 25 to 33 months 23 to 31 months 

3. Baby’s dental cavities are worth fixing. 

It’s tempting to think that since your child’s baby teeth are going to fall out eventually, there’s no need to spend the time or money to fill cavities. But don’t be fooled! Infection from decayed baby teeth can damage the permanent teeth developing under them. And cavities only stay pain-free for so long — at some point, your little one may be hurting. Plus, an untreated dental cavity could become more severe, requiring a root canal or tooth extraction. 

4. Dental care for baby starts early. 

Your child is at risk for tooth decay as soon as the first tooth appears. That means protecting the health of baby teeth starts much earlier than you might think — before the first teeth even emerge! After each feeding, wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, damp washcloth or a clean gauze pad. Once the first tooth appears, start brushing! Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day. To prevent dental fluorosis, use fluoride-free toothpaste, a pea-sized amount of paste or just water. Add flossing to your routine as soon as there are spaces where two teeth are close together. 

5. Your child should visit a dentist by age 1. 

That may sound too early, but it’s not! Your child’s first dental visit will probably be short — it’s just a chance for the dentist to count teeth and spot any early signs of trouble. You may choose to see a pediatric dentist who specializes in working with kids, although many general dentists are also comfortable seeing children.



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I told my kids we’d play after I found what I ndeeed. Damnit.

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Mamma quant’e8 cresciuto Sebastian, bselilsimo in queste fotografie, e Stella ?E’ veramente una STELLA Fantastica !!!I denti, troppo importante mantenerli e curarli con rispetto, per quel che mi riguarda sono quasi maniacale.Ciao Catharina & C.Buona serataveraB’

Alisher aka, I either heard from my finreds that dental service charges you a lot in the States but oddly enough never asked why. Here, in Germany one sights the same thing. However, I guess with insurance you win that what you can not win in the USA without insurance. As a student it’s pleasing if something like accidental tooth loss doesn’t come in yet don’t know how it works once one has a job. The system is very complicated to grasp, especially for one, whose country didn’t/doesn’t have the similar one.

Dear Dildora, thank you for sharing this. In the US one can find the best mecidal service in the world but for the very best price. But in the US, if I am not mistaken, about 30 million people do not have a health insurance. The Obama administration tries to enlarge the pie, but this is very difficult and complicated process. Perhaps the insurance companies play some role in this complication since they have their own interests.

Specialyzed medicine is very evixnspee in general by two reasons. First one is objective and related with need to pay for superspecialists more payment in one working hour. Second reason is subjective and related with opinion of many specialists that they are superspecialist. They want to be super, but in our life only little part of working doctors are really super. In my opinion, first reason have about 20% in the trhe of life (life-true), second have about 80%. [url=]swrekjq[/url] [link=]mixbfohw[/link]

that I have to cure all the other teeth too. They spent half a year (!) on curing my 4 mlstoy damaged teeth and my health insurance covered most part of the cost and from my pocket I ended up paying around $200 overall The last two years in my life have been the period when I had not thought about my teeth pains Quality is not always expensive.

but what if to look from the other side? personally, I would be relaly happy if those costs would be applied in Uzb as well. Reason? Its simple. People would think about their teeth more carefully. Teach their children from the beginning to wash (using teeth for what they are intended to do: not for breaking nuts etc) them regularly right after the meal. just my opinion.

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Good ideas! I really do like these ideas, but I think it? shulod be titled how to outline a book in a day. I took this video and used it to write a really cool transcript, but actually writing a thoughtful book, it will take longer. Great ideas, I’ll combine them with other things.

Hi Sundae .oh dear well, maybe if you spend a little extra time in Motor Mom’s lap this morinng she won’t be so scared. I think humans feel about the same way WE feel about vets when it comes to them having to go to the dentist! ICK! Kitty Hugs, Sammy [url=]dsrlfvh[/url] [link=]xhiarwdg[/link]

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