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Toothache from cold or hot?

If the teeth start to ache from the thermal or mechanical influences, but personally try to find the cause of unpleasant feelings so nothing is detected, it is possible that the reason lies in the microscopic cracks resulting in tooth enamel. At least, it is safe for one hundred percent state that tooth sensitivity has not, which means that if the above symptoms, there is damage.
With regard to the causes of the cracks, they may be several.
The first and most common – it is still caries, destroys enamel. Recall that the treatment of caries susceptible only in a chair with a dentist.
The second cause of cracking of enamel can become periodontal disease (soft tissues of the mouth – gums). For example, can expose the tooth root.
The third reason, which is also used quite often – it is erased in the area of cervical enamel of the tooth, that is the point of transition of the tooth in the gums.
The fourth reason – that impact on the tooth enamel contrasting fluids or food, after which the enamel begins to rapidly deteriorate. For example, after the hot coffee to eat ice cream.
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Tips folk medicine
For the treatment and prevention in dentistry is widely disseminated these drugs (which, incidentally, can be cooked at home), as infusions, tinctures, decoctions perforated St. John’s wort, calendula, nettle, yarrow, plantain.
In the treatment of gingivitis, inflammatory forms of periodontitis, aphthous stomatitis very well apply kolanhoe juice and ointment, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and epiteliziruyuschee action.
Even ordinary tea (or even better green) may help patients with inflammatory processes occurring in periodontal disease, ulcers, allergic and aphthous stomatitis.
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