Treatment of quinsy with kerosene, treatment of quinsy with kerosene

Treatment of quinsy with kerosene, treatment of quinsy with kerosene
For the treatment of quinsy can use various means of both traditional and folk medicine. 

At the first sign of the disease should call a doctor who prescribed the appropriate treatment, otherwise the disease can lead to various complications. 

During treatment quinsy should closely follow the recommendations of the designated doctor. In this case, is usually required to adhere strictly to bed, take only semi-liquid food, so as not to injure the inflamed tonsils. It is also recommended drinking liquids: lemon tea, warm milk, natural fruit juices, warm alkaline mineral water. 

Patient’s diet should contain high-energy person, and vitamins-containing products. The neck should be several times a day, rinse with warm solution of boric acid or sage, which is prepared by mixing 1 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of boric acid. Alternatively, rinsing can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Medicines doctor may prescribe at its discretion, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of quinsy. 

In the presence of high temperatures should be 3-4 times per day to 0.5 g of acetylsalicylic acid. Its effect can be strengthened with the help of caffeine-sodium benzoate, take 3 times a day for 0,1 g. 

When a disease when there is a significant intoxication of an organism, it should be daily, 4-5 times a day to take antibiotics – such as penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline or erythromycin. Most experts recommend doing patient intramuscular injections of penicillin, 5 times a day for 200 units. 
In addition to funds designated by a physician, you can take and tools made according to recipes of traditional medicine. 

Treatment of quinsy with kerosene 
For the treatment of quinsy can be used only purified kerosene. This liquid 3 times a day for 1-2 hours before meals should be carefully applied to the surface of the palatine arches and inflamed tonsils. Treatment should be conducted daily for 6-7 days to complete disappearance of symptoms. This method of treatment can be combined with the admission by a doctor appointed by antibiotics. 

When inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat can be done rinsing the affected areas with a weak solution of purified kerosene. For this purpose, in 1 cup of boiled water at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, soluble 0,5 tablespoon of tea soda. 

In the resulting solution is added 1 tablespoon of kerosene. 
When rinsing of the affected mucosa of the mouth and throat form a film of kerosene, rendering a therapeutic effect. Lasts up to full recovery of the patient, ie 6-8 days. Frequency rinse – 4-12 times a day. When illness starts, before the formation of tonsils naryvchikov, you can use kerosene. This tool is an unpleasant, but very effective. Kerosene is filtered through a thick layer of absorbent cotton, moistened cotton swabs, and they lubricate the tonsils (as far as possible) every 30 minutes during the day.

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It scares the hell out of me too that Griffin will wadner off while at school or on a field trip, this is why I volunteer to go on field trips when his class goes. I just have a hard time trusting other people with my child. I think that I am going to get the Care Trak child monitoring system, I can send you some info on it if you would like.That is so cool that K.C. did that, I mean it is cool because it is a breakthrough for him but it is sad at the same time because he felt sad. It is so good that he allowed you to console him and give him hugs.I understand what it is like to be held hostage inside your house because of the weather, as you mentioned Griffin and I are all too familiar with it. Try to keep busy, I know that it is hard otherwise you will go stir crazy and have a horrible case of cabin fever. Most people don’t even consider how bad it is to be couped up in the house with kids but it can be extremely agitating and nerve wracking. I wish for you guys to be able to occupy yourselves during this time and to find ways to keep cool.We love you bunches, hugs and smiles!

Oh, Tina. What an amazing brkohteraugh for KC. It must have been bittersweet to see. Even though Conor is verbal, he sometimes does that too. He’ll just get sad, his lip will quiver and then he’ll cry. When I ask him what’s wrong during these times, he never tells me. Maybe he doesn’t know why, either. Harry Potter party: how about making a pizza with vegan cheese? There are some pretty good melting soy cheeses out there. Vegan Gourmet makes a good mozzarella. Or, you can look in the frozen section of the health food store and buy Tofutti non-dairy pizza. It’s parve, too!!And, Walmart now sells a rice vanilla ice cream called So Delicious (and it IS!). You could get that and make a cake instead of buying an ice cream cake. :-)I have all sorts of non-dairy recipes for you!

I feel so much happier now I unetsrdand all this. Thanks! [url=]qxukpzkf[/url] [link=]mlfjjny[/link]

re: KC’s crying. What an amzanig, teachable moment! Wow! I remember when we were in the car and Noah was watching the disney singalong songs “when you wish upon a star” and it was a slow song where they say goodbye to mickey & minney. He just starts to SOB! I’m like, “what the hell?” and pull over – and it’s just that it made him sad! Those are great moments because you can label the emotions – it’s so hard to teach emotions if those emotions aren’t exactly happening…

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