Saliva helps to disinfect and whiten teeth
Oral liquid, or mixed bundles provide a normal functional state of the teeth and oral mucosa. It consists of secretions of the salivary glands, epithelial cells, white blood cells, microorganisms and food debris. In a normal day secreted about 500 ml of saliva, of which about 200 ml – during meals. and the rest – in a state of rest. Saliva plays a protective role in relation to teeth and oral mucosa. The functions of saliva include: • cleansing of the oral cavity of food debris, plaque and bacteria; • neutralization of acids and bases produced by bacterial plaque; • antibacterial and antifungal effects; • dissolution and leaching of sugar from the surrounding tooth sites of oral cavity; • Ensure receipt of inorganic ions necessary for re-mineralization of primary caries damage.
What is plaque and how to get rid of
On the surface of the tooth has cuticle and pellicula. Cuticle, or the reduced enamel epithelium of the body, disappears soon after the eruption. This formation is detected, mainly in the subsurface layer of enamel, but in places reaches the surface in the form of a microscopic film or reaches amelodentinal connection. Pellicula (acquired cuticle) – unstructured education, in whose creation the glycoproteins of saliva. It appears after the eruption of teeth and tightly fixed on its surface.
Sensation! It turns out the tooth enamel can regenerate itself
In enamel hydroxyapatite crystals are present, carbonate, hlorapatita. fluorapatite, etc. Less than 2% of the weight of mature enamel are neapatitnye form. They represent the remnants of the minerals present during the development of forelock, and are the result of a breach of mineralization after its eruption. The main mineral components of which are built apatite crystals are calcium (33-39%) and phosphates (16-18%), molar ratio in the enamel which averages 1.67. The concentration of these minerals is highest in the surface layer and decreased in the deeper layers.
How does the tooth enamel rights?
The enamel of the tooth are the hardest tissue in the body, due to its high content of inorganic substances (95%). In addition, water is present in the enamel, which is located in the free and bound state. Organic matter is in the form of lamellae. enamel tufts and belief gene. Matrix of enamel is a macromolecular Comp Lex formed fibrillar proteins and Ca.  The mineral part of enamel prisms are brought united mi in bundles, which run from the enamel-dentinal connections to the surface of the tooth.
Often you hear about dental sealants, but still do not know anything about them? Dental sealants – a peculiar kind of plastic used for the introduction of grooves in the surface of the tooth to prevent the formation of cavities. On the surface of the rear (chewing) teeth groove narrower and deeper, so to clean them can be difficult and often impossible, and usually there is formed cavities. That is why dentists offer us to use the service – application of dental sealants, through which the chewing surfaces of teeth becomes more flat, even and, consequently, to clean the teeth with the toothbrush turns out much more carefully.
Hygienic cleaning of teeth. Why?
Virtually all modern dental clinics, we offer a professional hygienic cleaning of the teeth. What is it? Mechanical tooth cleaning involves the removal of dental plaque by ultrasound, treatment of the tooth with dental sandblaster, and polished using special polishing pastes. As a result, teeth become a natural white color. After the cleaning is carried out remineralizing therapy: application of fluoride varnish applications or fluoride gel to strengthen tooth enamel. Children can be done fissure sealing – a procedure aimed at «sealing» natural irregularities on the surface of the tooth where the enamel is still not fixed, that is almost completely eliminated the probability of caries of permanent teeth.
Crooked teeth hurt health
You think that crooked teeth is only an aesthetic problem? In fact, crooked teeth are the cause of many ailments such as headaches, throat diseases, diseases of the stomach, violations of diction. Crooked teeth are more frequently exposed to damage. Food particles easily trapped between the curves of the teeth. Malocclusion causes bad chewing food, which leads to disorders of the digestive system. Curvature of the teeth occurs on multiple number of reasons. Among these reasons are common hereditary, genetically determined abnormalities.
The child teething? Help him. Methods
When tooth eruption children suffer not only the kids but their parents, often simply losing sleep. Quite often, parents feel helpless in this situation, but in fact we have some opportunities to alleviate the suffering of its fumes. With eruption of the tooth gums at the site of its future appearance of inflamed and become painful. In some rare cases even inflammation, bleeding or abscesses, which eventually unwilling. Here are some ways to make the process less painful teething: • Conduct periodic massages gums at the site of the eruption of the tooth.
Periodontitis be treated early
Inflammation of the supporting apparatus of the tooth, which is called when the bacterial plaque deposits on teeth and gums called periodontitis. If time does not recognize this disease, the teeth lose their strength and begin to just fall out. Recognize you started periodontitis is not so difficult. In the early stages of the gums start to bleed when cleaning the teeth, gum tissue is dark-red color. Also, if you get the feeling that your teeth have become a kind of “longer” or their necks were bared, it may indicate begun periodontitis.
Red wine helps to get rid of gum disease
Recent studies of Canadian scientists have shown new and useful properties of the usual red wine. From their findings it follows that the polyphenols that are part of the drink, have a beneficial effect in diseases such as gingivitis, gum disease or periodontitis. At a meeting of the American Association for Dental Research, taking place annually in Orlando, a group of scientists led by Fathia Chandad made a report on the benefits of dry red wine on the mouth. Inflammation is the natural reaction of the organism to protect against pathogenic bacteria, but in the course of this reaction generates large quantities of free radicals.
New prosthetics! Nylon prosthesis.
Nylon prosthesis elastic, durable, flexible and most resistant to any pressures. For all its features nylon material for prosthetics exceeds all existing materials in dentistry. Color prosthesis does not change over time, does not need refinishing. Nylon is a well-cleaned, do not cause allergies, he has no monomer. Nylon prosthesis retains its characteristics in different operating conditions, with high humidity, exposure and at constant cyclic stresses. Such a prosthesis negigroskopichen, that is not absorbed the flora of the oral cavity.
Which is better? Electric or manual toothbrush?
I think every one of you ever thinking about what toothbrush better than usual, or electric. A group of researchers from Edinburgh Dental Institute, headed by Dr Chris Diri, analyzed published over the past 40 years, the materials on the use of conventional and electric toothbrushes. For the sum of the results of all conducted at any test, which involved more than 2 thousand people, it became clear that conventional toothbrushes in no way inferior to popular now, electric toothbrush. Normal toothbrush also copes well with a plaque and gum disease, as well as electric.
Do you smoke? Be prepared to tooth loss.
Scientists from the Academy of Dentistry have found that smoking one pack of cigarettes a day will inevitably lead to loss of teeth, or to be more precise and literal, the «smoked a pack of cigarettes per day = loss of at least two teeth in 10 years». The result of the 30-year study was the fact that the probability of tooth loss in persons smoking approximately two times higher in comparison with people who no smoking.  The essence of the results of the study is that daily smoking leads to the development of periodontal disease, which in turn leads to tooth loss.
Harmless and effective methods of home teeth whitening
In fact, there is no perfect and effective methods of home bleaching, but some methods exist to strengthen the teeth and slight bleaching effect. For example, a common product like milk not only helps strengthen the tooth enamel, but also make your teeth a little whiter. Also a little help whiten teeth lemon peel. One of the most popular means of traditional medicine – baking soda. But do not forget that soda literally rip off the top layer of tooth enamel! If you brush your teeth with soda more often than once a month, you can quickly thinned enamel, in addition to all other things will increase the sensitivity of teeth to any spicy or hot food.
Accustom children to clean your teeth
Accustom children to clean your teeth Despite the increasingly rising level of dental culture, which complicates the work of a dentist, as very complicated and difficult to get care for their teeth a child who is not familiar with the ritual of brushing. This conclusion dentists did not come by chance, because the term «functional illiteracy» increasingly sounds like a characteristic of modern man. Sociologists say people are functionally illiterate, unable to fulfill their basic social and life responsibilities.
How to brush your teeth
Rational oral hygiene using a toothbrush and toothpaste is an integral part of the overall health of man. The effective depends largely on the methods of cleaning teeth. There are many methods for removing dental plaque, but most people are not familiar with rational IU  todami brushing. Special clinical observations revealed that most people brush their teeth with horizontal, WHO Vrátna-forth motions, this removes plaque only from the vestibular surfaces of teeth. This method of cleaning teeth leads to the fact that soft plaque is transferred from the surface of the teeth in the interdental spaces.
Indications and contraindications for the implantation
Indications and contraindications for implantation is set on the basis of general medical history and examination, assessment of emotional status and dental status of the patient. INDICATIONS Indications for dental implantation are: 1. Single defects dentition, when implantation would avoid dissection adjacent to the defect of the teeth. 2. Included defects of dentition, when using the implant can be avoided dissection limiting defect teeth and removable prosthesis. 3. Limit the defects of dentition in which implants allows for removable prosthesis.
Advantages of laser implantation
More and more people who dared to the implantation of teeth, choose laser implantation. When laser implantation is possible to limit the painkillers, which means that the operation would be more gentle and painless. Laser implantation is usually performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than an hour. In the course of the operation of the laser beam is used as a surgical instrument, which is characterized by greater security, accuracy and speed. The procedure for implantation using a laser beam passes completely bloodless, because the laser coagulates excising tissue, gives better access to the surfaces where the implant will be installed.
Care bracket system
Well, you and set a bracket system, tending to beautiful and healthy teeth. But do not relax, there is still a lot of difficulties because of the braces need proper and thorough care. Do not forget the best possible to observe good personal hygiene, specifically oral hygiene. Ask the attending to make you an individual hygiene program, let your dentist will show you how to take care of your mouth using intraoral of attached structures. For the health of your mouth you will need an arsenal of devices, in addition to regular toothbrush, you need a special brush with a V-shaped notch on the bristles to clean the surfaces of the dentition, which is installed bracket system, and floss for cleaning the interdental spaces, cone-shaped brushes in order to effectively clean the surface of the teeth, which closes access to the power arc.
Calculus: treatment and prevention
Lime deposits on the teeth called tartar. Plaque is the deposits in the neck of teeth located near the excretory ducts of salivary glands. If at first the formation of tartar loose and weakly expressed in color, then eventually becomes sufficiently dense and pigmented. Any inflammation of the gums can trigger the appearance of tartar. The danger of tartar is that, in fixing on a neck mukopolisaharidnyh dental plaque and saliva soaking in mineral salts and microorganisms, causes an increase in viscosity of saliva and there is a weakening of the self-cleaning of the teeth during chewing.
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