Harmless and effective methods of home teeth whitening

Harmless and effective methods of home teeth whitening
In fact, there is no perfect and effective methods of home bleaching, but some methods exist to strengthen the teeth and slight bleaching effect. For example, a common product like milk not only helps strengthen the tooth enamel, but also make your teeth a little whiter. Also a little help whiten teeth lemon peel. One of the most popular means of traditional medicine – baking soda. But do not forget that soda literally rip off the top layer of tooth enamel! If you brush your teeth with soda more often than once a month, you can quickly thinned enamel, in addition to all other things will increase the sensitivity of teeth to any spicy or hot food.

Hydrogen peroxide – a popular, cheap and very affordable tool that is always at hand. When using hydrogen peroxide can not be excluded discomfort and burning sensation in the gums, but the result will exceed your expectations – clean, white teeth. Typically, most people see results after several weeks of use of hydrogen peroxide or even earlier. Never mind the fact that hydrogen peroxide gets into the mouth, but still not worth it to swallow the rinsing! Again, do not forget that when the abuse of the tooth enamel gradually becomes thinner. For the bleaching effect, just enough to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth for one minute. Then Spit and thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water.

One of the natural bleaching agents is the strawberry. Because these berries also contain glucose and acid, is very important to remove the remnants of a toothbrush and brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. The berries can be crushed and apply on your teeth, like toothpaste, or just hold them in the teeth, gently pressing down until the juice.

As if this was not paradoxical, but the conventional solid wood ash also has a bleaching effect. It contains potassium hydroxide – a connection that and whitens teeth. Microscopic crystals of potassium hydroxide clears plaque in hard to reach places, leaving them clean and bright white .. Wood ash can be put directly on the toothbrush and brush your teeth or mixed with a small amount of toothpaste.

The most effective and harmless way to whiten teeth – a homemade toothpaste. Mix the baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt and a small amount of toothpaste.
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I found this to be brilliant. I like that it’s not a touch I have to use every day, and yet the rlutess have been much better than what I got from boxes of whitening strips used every day for weeks!! I’m a working mom of two and the last thing I need is to add a touch else to my daily routine. I found that THIS manufactured goods worked fantastic. I whiten my teeth with this maybe every 6 weeks (sometimes more, sometimes less) for just 20 minutes and I undo the tinge build up from things like red wine, pasta sauce, soda, berries, chocolate, tea, etc. I often have foods/drinks that cause yellowing as it builds up over time. I’m shocked that my teeth look just as excellent as a friend of mine who paid nearly $700 to have her teeth whitened plus the items for periodic at home touch-ups! In this economy that’s just asinine. I feel this manufactured goods is a fantastic buy for the brilliant quality, and the stunning rlutess I get, not to mention how pleased I am at how modest time & effort it takes. I just bought 2 more to give to my mom & brother for x-mas.. but I have a feeling I’m going to cave in and give it to them early so they can whiten their teeth for all the upcoming business & family holiday parties & get-togethers. Impressive manufactured goods Smile Bright! Very pleased customer.

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