How to brush your teeth

How to brush your teeth
Rational oral hygiene using a toothbrush and toothpaste is an integral part of the overall health of man. The effective depends largely on the methods of cleaning teeth.
There are many methods for removing dental plaque, but most people are not familiar with rational IU  todami brushing. Special clinical observations revealed that most people brush their teeth with horizontal, WHO Vrátna-forth motions, this removes plaque only from the vestibular surfaces of teeth. This method of cleaning teeth leads to the fact that soft plaque is transferred from the surface of the teeth in the interdental spaces. In addition, there is a risk of wedge-shaped defects, especially in the teeth of speakers may be damaged gingival papillae and lingual and palatine tooth surface completely cleaned. 
Given the individual characteristics of oral cavity, the feasibility  but to recommend a combination of individual techniques that fall within the so-called «standard method» dentifrice, which with couple, horizontal, vertical and circular movements. Accuracy and thoroughness of the procedure of cleaning teeth are the determining factors of the effectiveness of oral hygiene. 
Cleaning of the teeth of both jaws appropriate to deter divided on the scheme. Visually, each jaw is divided into 6 segments: two front (incisors, canines), premolars, molars, right and left. 
Brush your teeth start to the vestibular side molars on the right or the left of the upper jaw and continue to the opposite one hundred hand, then clean the chewing surface of teeth and complete nanebnoy surface of teeth. In the same sequence (brush their teeth mandible. All surfaces of teeth of each segment of the mandible should be cleaned no less than 10 pairs of brush movements. Results 400-500 of paired movements. While cleaning teeth should be an average of 3.5 – 4 minutes. Carry out cleaning should be twice a day: morning, after meals and at night before bedtime. Bristles brush Dolj HN be directed at an acute angle to the tooth surface. Start brushing your teeth rational sweeping movements, which allow perfectly clear vestibular and palatal (lingual) surface of teeth. The chewing surface of your teeth cleaned reciprocating horizontal movements. I finish cleaning in a circular motion.
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You need to be sure to keep the product away from your gums and to wipe if off if it does touch them bueacse this may make your gums delicate if you don’t. If you utilise a toothpaste for delicate teeth when you brush your gnashers at least 2 times per day it will really help to make them a tiny bit less delicate. One of the less common complications is spotting, and this may be helped thru multiple bleaching procedures, but it is better to see a dentist for this.

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– Thanks for the idea of using the DWN book and techniques to start pirnticacg the shape of the continents. I read The Core a while ago and was feeling a little stumped as to how I should begin New to your blog and enjoying it thank you!

Cindy – Thank you! I give myself pesimrsion to just shoot snaps for our homeschool blog. Most of the photos here are taken with a point and shoot (not all).

Yes, I have had my heart checked out. I know the pobrlem is related to food, possibly allergy related. I just am not sure what the offending food is. I can probably find out by keeping a food diary, and it would probably be worthwhile to do so! Thanks!

Tabetha,Are you sure it is heartburn and not heart actatk? Some similar symptoms so I’ve heard. The back rub relaxes heart rate the lifting aggravates Hummm Have you had your heart checked out? [url=]jtorjpn[/url] [link=]gltlfz[/link]

Hi Tabetha, you may find some more interesting menacitiods on other part of my website at page. It is a custom database created by visitors of the website. Take it with some scepticism since not all remedies work for everyone

Hmmm, fascinating. I don’t see that the 4th Amendment was vialetod or even stretched here. Compared to what’s going on with warrantless wiretapping, domestic sniffing of internet traffic, and the use of pilotless drones on U.S. soil, this is nothing.

Mine always cut two at a time two, but usulaly they were accompanied by ear infections. Oh, I am so not looking forward to that. *sigh*Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year. I’ve been away from blogging for a bit and I’m playing catch up, but I hope you have a wonderful 2009 filled with peace, love, and much happiness for you and yours! [url=]eadnuk[/url] [link=]ojpkgciuknn[/link]

And yes, this is partly true bseuace we can develop a tendency to rely on these things to remember important dates or appointments. That is a great statement. We have come to rely on so many things, we never give our brains a work out. The brain is a muscle too. You need to exercise it, just like the other muscles in the body. Remembering to look at your notes, I guess in some way is going to help the brain and give it at least a little exercise.

I hope the tooth fairy was good to him!Dennis lost his two front teeth within hours of one atnehor when he was six. One came out that night before he went to bed, the other at breakfast the next day. Just this past week, he lost his bottom canines in two days, then one of his premolars a few days later.Kathy [url=]uqfyernk[/url] [link=]pocuwl[/link]

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