Chew or not chew? Benefits and harms of chewing gum

Chew or not chew? Benefits and harms of chewing gum
Chewing gum is created as a means to cleanse and freshen the mouth, as well as to stimulate salivation. The positive effect of chewing gum – training of muscles and a good cleansing oral stimulation of blood circulation in the gums. However, if you chew gum more than 10-15 minutes, there is an increase of chewing loads and adverse effects on teeth. In diseases such as periodontal defects of dentition, tooth mobility use of chewing gum is not recommended.

In the composition of chewing gum comprises elastic material, usually of plant origin, aroma and flavor additives. In the oral cavity chewing gum under the action of the teeth, saliva and softening temperature, releases its aromatic and flavor substances. When chewing is an active stimulation of salivation and well cleaned mouth.

Choose a chewing gum, which included no sugar. This is kariesogennymi and acidogenic properties of sugar. From such a chewing gum more harm than good. In addition, any chewing gum can be no longer than 15 minutes as long as the taste.

It is important to recommend the use of chewing gum after a meal. It neutralizes their negative effect as a stimulator of secretion of gastric juice. The use of chewing gum on an empty stomach or between meals can lead to adverse effects in patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among the possible complications – acute and progression of diseases.
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Hi Jennifer, It is depending on which crest white srpits you are using. Most of the time, they will last for approximately 30-60 days and after that you need to apply the kits again. Well of course, if you take care your teeth properly, you can last for longer time. However, if you do smoke, drink coffee, tea and etc.. you will find that you need to use teeth whitening products more often as the stain will come back eventually. No matter what kind of teeth whitening products you are using, make sure you read through the instructions as you don’t want to damage your enamel for long term. You can read more information from my resource box for your own reference.Hope this helps! =)Nick

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All have long, probably know that toothpaste alone is not enough to fully care for teeth and oral cavity. And commercials, and dentists constantly tell us that, as additional care should be used dental rinse and elixirs. They are, incidentally, are in ready supply at any pharmacy, but how to choose the best? To make the right choice, you need to read carefully the composition of the dental rinse. The main active means any elixir – an antiseptic. Typically, manufacturers use as the antiseptic triclosan additives or chlorhexidine.
What is good and what is bad! Take care of your teeth.
  WELL choose the wrong toothpaste that suits the design and price, but that which is necessary for you. How do I know that for? Talk to your doctor – he knows. use dental floss, or, as it is called, floss. The toothbrush cleans only open the surface of teeth, and in fact destroy the microbes in dental enamel and intervals. For recently appeared and has become a popular brush for language – a very useful little thing. But Mouthwashes – a piece of concern. If teeth are not cleaned by mechanical means, rinsing will not help.